I am not a dentist or even an expert but here are a few things I have learned about taking care of Nori’s teeth.
Dental Health Starts at Infancy
Yes, baby teeth will fall out but be aware they can also produce cavities and become rotten. The best thing to do is when that first tooth comes in, is brush it with a soft infant toothbrush and no toothpaste or a wet towel daily.
Once your child has teeth and eats solids or drinks anything other than water, follow up with water to wash some of the food residue away.
You can start taking your child to the dentist as early as their first tooth comes in but I wouldn’t recommend it, waiting until after the first birthday is fine.
Toddlers and Older Children
It is extremely important they brush their teeth twice a day. Starting the routine as early as possible will help you and them in the long run.
Once your child gets their molars in and their teeth are pretty close together in the back you should start flossing. I use kids floss picks for Nori.
Make dental appointments for a cleaning and check up every 6 months.
Take away all bottles and pacifiers at this stage and replace the bottle with straw cups. I personally use small topless cups for water so the liquid can rinse Nori’s mouth out. If she is drinking juice I like to use the straw cups because the sugar if any in the juice bypasses most of her teeth.
Don’t let your child go to bed with any beverages.
Give your child minimum sugary drinks.
Things You Might Not Know
1. The suggested age to start giving your child toothpaste with fluoride is 3 years old, if you choose to do so. There are a lot of toothpastes without fluoride.
2. X-Rays on your child’s teeth typically start at 3 years old but you can push them off until their baby teeth are gone.
My Favorite Dental Products for Nori at different Stages