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Writer's picturetheorganizedparent


Updated: Jan 29, 2021

We all search for the perfect formula to creating balance in our lives. As parents we seek 8 hours of sleep a night, time to spend with the family, teach your child, run a business, work a 9-5, have a social life with your friends, alone time with your spouse and still have some time for self-care. I hate to break it to you but that is NOT reality. No amount of “organization” or “routine” can create that balance that we so desperately desire.

I struggled with balance before I had a child and over the past two years, I learned the art of saying NO. It is okay not to accept every invitation or a request from a loved one for help. You don’t even have to give a reason just saying NO, is a complete sentence.

Every day is not the same so even with a strict routine, things vary. Kids get sick, work gets hectic, business gets busy and so forth. Make sure you are flexible and adaptable. GO WITH THE FLOW. If everything doesn’t go as planned don’t freak out, you waste more energy worrying or panicking.

Remember it will not be like this forever, kids get older, businesses flourish and you will be able to hire more help and so forth. DO YOUR BEST AND WHATEVER DIDN’T GET DONE TODAY PICK UP WHERE YOU LEFT OFF THE NEXT DAY!

Below are some extra tips to help make life easier:

  1. Hire a maid

  2. Hire a nanny

  3. Hire a tutor

  4. Hire a laundry service

  5. Preorder Groceries

  6. Meal Prep

  7. Order prepared meal

  8. Make todo list

  9. Set out your clothes and kid’s clothes for the weeks

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1 komentarz

28 lis 2020

A to do list is my best friend!!! Helps me feel like I’ve accomplished things during the day!

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